special machine for servo gate valve Reliability work includes reliability engineering technology and reliability management. Reliability management is based on time and cost permitting. To produce high reliability products that meet the requirements of users, all the organization, planning, coordination, control and supervision work taken in the whole process of design, development, manufacturing, use and maintenance. It can be seen that reliability management is in a leading and central position in all reliability activities.

Foreign countries attach great importance to reliability management. Our country is taking measures to strengthen reliability management according to national conditions. To ensure through macro and micro management.

Reliability macro-management refers to the management of reliability work by relevant national, provincial and municipal administrative departments, including policies, regulations, rules and regulations, planning, reliability and quality certification, inspection and supervision, establishment of management system, establishment of national and industrial reliability data exchange network, technical exchange, education and training, etc.

Reliability micromanagement refers to the enterprise's management of reliability work, including reliability development plan, policy objectives, rules and regulations, enterprise standards, organizational structure, reliability design and review, process quality control, reliability test plan, after-sales service, reliability data collection, analysis and management, information and technical exchange, personnel training, etc. In short, micromanagement is the management of specific products over their entire life cycle.

From the point of view of improving product reliability, design is the foundation, manufacturing is the guarantee, test is the evaluation, use is the embodiment, management is the key. It can be seen that the importance of reliability management, specifically, the purpose and significance of reliability management are as follows:

In order to make the personnel, power, financial resources and time invested in reliability work play a role to the maximum extent and produce economic benefits, reliability management must be carried out.

Mismanagement is an important reason for the unreliability of products. According to the results of statistical analysis of some product failures, about 40-60% of the failures are caused by poor management. Once the reliability management is strengthened, the reliability of the product can be significantly improved.

Product reliability involves design, manufacturing, outsourcing and user departments, involving different technical areas, so in order to further improve product quality and reliability, enhance market competitiveness, we must do a good job in reliability management.

Reliability management can not only ensure the realization of reliability technology, but also an important economic and technological decision in enterprises. Only when implementing reliability technology, reliability management can ensure the reliability of products.

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